Halloween with pets can be a lot of fun. Think of all those cute costumes and yummy candies (not to mention pet treats!) But beware, there can be tricks too! Take a look at our Halloween tips to keep your spooky celebration running smoothly.
The constant activity from trick-or-treat visitors can cause pets to become scared and anxious. It’s best to keep your pet secured in a separate room or crate to help prevent an accidental escape.
Costumes are cute on pets who don’t mind wearing them, but make sure the costume fits well and isn’t going to constrict your pet’s movements or cause a choking hazard if chewed on. A festive bandana or collar is a good alternative for pets who aren’t fans of wearing costumes.
Halloween candy can spell disaster for pets. Chocolate is well known to be toxic for dogs, but other treats can be dangerous as well. The sweetener, Xylitol, can cause liver failure in dogs, so keep candies containing this ingredient away from your pets!
Candles and jack-o’-lanterns can be fun and festive, but you might want to consider going with a flameless option. Many house fires are started every year by pets tipping over candles. Even candles on tables can be reached by cats or taller dogs.